Not every athlete is one of the greats. But you? You are. To keep you on your throne, DIM helps you develop a healthy estrogen metabolism. Hit the gym knowing your bad estrogen is low, good estrogen high, and testosterone just right. If you’re prepping for a fitness competition or simply aiming for the top, this is the right fuel for you.
With proper hormonal support, you can reach, surpass, and conquer your goals with ease. DIM, a compound created from the phytonutrients found in cruciferous vegetables helps you be the best version of you. It all starts with the right hormonal balance.
It’s safe to say that you compete in a league of your own. And as a first-class athlete, perfection is the only option. With a whopping 200 mg of DIM per capsule, we’ve got exactly what you need. A high level of potency for a high-level athlete.